Downloadable advice sheets
Here you can find our downloads for information on tree planting, accessories to use or more generic information.
Trees Suitable for Small Gardens
Trees Suitable for Growing in Pots
Trees and Shrubs for Difficult Sites
Map showing Management Approved Zones for Oak Processionary Moth
How to use rootgrowPlanting with mycorrhizal fungi
Leaky Pipe
Platipus rootball fixing instructions
Platipus rootball fixing for trees and shrubs upto 2.5mtrs
Platipus piddler irrigation installation instructions
Rootball Watering - Metro Garden Installation
Leaky Pipe
Platipus rootball fixing instructions
Platipus rootball fixing for trees and shrubs upto 2.5mtrs
Platipus piddler irrigation installation instructions
Rootball Watering - Metro Garden Installation
Rootball Watering Urban Park Installation Instructions
Arboresin Installation Instructions
Borderline installation instructions
Aluexcel installation instructions
Rite Edge Installation Instructions
All Edge premium installation instructions
Rootstop / ReRoot 2000 Tree Barrier
Ribbed Root Barrier Installation Instructions
Arboresin Installation Instructions
Borderline installation instructions
Aluexcel installation instructions
Rite Edge Installation Instructions
All Edge premium installation instructions
Rootstop / ReRoot 2000 Tree Barrier
Ribbed Root Barrier Installation Instructions